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Clinical Skills with John

I am John, a seasoned clinical skills lecturer with extensive experience in critical care. I have been a clinical nurse specialist in Intensive Care, coronary care, emergency, ambulatory care and a certified cosmetic injector. I am currently teaching undergraduate doctors and nurses how to perform clinical procedural skills. I have also worked in the corporate side of health brokering mainstream services for disadvantaged members of the community. I worked for SOCOG in the medical program to help deliver the "best games ever" in the Sydney 2000 Olympic and Paralympic games. I have a passion for helping people and organisations on many levels and I'm ready to work with you!

Meet Your Clinical Skills Lecturer: John Sierra

Clinical Teaching

Fully equipped laboratory with simulation equipment. Sessions start off with short tutorials followed by bedside style teaching. The short tutorials consist of “why”. What is this equipment for? What are the idiosyncrasies of this equipment? What are the indications and contra-indications of this procedure?

What are the examinable components of this procedure?

Youtube channel

The advent of this channel came from former students who found themselves emersed in the real hospital setting , wanting some trusted revision video’s. Hence, the short duration of most of them. The longer video’s are a taste of what my tutorials are like. They are just a taste though. We can laugh and sometimes shed a tear when we are sharing experiences in class to punctuate the “why are we doing this procedure” and the profound effect clinician’s can have on patients, staff and relatives.

Platelet Rich plasma (PRP) and Platelet Rich Fibrin (PRF) injecting

In recent years, doctors have learned to manipulate the bodies ability to heal itself. PRP is a form of regenerative medicine that harnesses and amplifies the natural growth factors found in our blood cells to help re-grow tissue. We can concentrate these healing actors in a way that your body can’t, and we deposit this “package” of your bodies own growth factors (via a needle) to allow your very own mix of repair cells to rebuild tissue. It is also known as autologous treatment. Doctors have been using PRP to treat joints and muscles for over 30 years. We have been using PRP in skin tissue for over a decade.

There is a cosmetic origin for this mode of treatment.

Cosmetics: Full face, neck, stretch marks, scarring

Wound care: Currently studying effects of PRP in wounds. Collaborating with a dermatologist to measure cytokine neogenesis through punch biopsy to measure tissue and collagen regeneration.

Knees, hip, elbow and ankle joints: I inject PRP into your troubled joints to facilitate tissue regeneration. Most of the patients that see me are the ones who have “tried everything” and wanted to give PRP a chance. I have had some wonderful success stories.

Hair regrowth

Most of my patients are female. I see males too but males tend to lean into baldness much better than females. I am surprised how many females come to see me. Women generally hide hair-loss very well!

Sexual dysfunction

For males and females. Google “P-Shot and O-shot” for more information.

Clinical Teaching and mandatory training

I do clinical training for aged care facilities, Cosmetic organisations and GP practices.

Love your work mate. Thanks a bunch

Great video John. Your a legend!

Thanks so much John that joke gets me everytime

Thanks John! What a legend!

This is amazing! Thank you heaps John

Aseptic Technique

IV Cannula Dressing

A to G Patient Assessment

Blood Cultures

Refresh your skills!

Watch step-by-step tutorials on various medical procedures and clear and concise demonstrations that are easy to follow.